Monday, May 18, 2009

Consider this the first.

My remote for my D80 came in this morning. It's pretty great, but I'll be working out some autofocus issues. The weather is beautiful today, so I shot these out on the roof.

I leave for New York in a week from Wednesday. I'm more excited than nervous, but yeah, still nervous. I still have no idea what to wear to work for a company with a 3 page dress code policy, in the middle of summer in NYC. I think I started this blog (er, tumblr?) to document the summer, the internship, and the beginnings of will become my senior project. Or to be honest, because I read so many fashion and personal style blogs, I figure, why not. Let's hope I don't turn into a bloggy dbag.

Wearing an American Apparel tank and cardigan, JCrew necklace, and Necessary Objects skirt.

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